Lunar Images From Our Recent Autumn Skywatch Public Meeting

We held an Autumn Skywatch on 10th October for our members and the general public who wanted to come along. The clouds did not look promising that afternoon, but cleared pretty well by 8pm.

Many of our telescopes were set up outside and a good range of astronomical targets were observed, guided by our more knowledgeable members.

Here are three images captured that night with our big telescope, the Alan Young. They have been reduced in resolution for the web.

Clvius and Tycho

Clavius and Tycho

Archimedes and Plato

Archimedes and Plato

Monte Apenninus and Caucasus

Monte Apenninus and Caucasus

BAA Spring Meeting at Ashford, Kent

Our local friends at Ashford Astronomical Society are hosting the 2015 One-Day Spring Meeting of the British Astronomical Association at The Stour Centre in Ashford on Saturday 25th April 2015.

The theme is ‘Amateur and Professional Collaboration’.  The meeting has been designed to help us find out how we can be involved in real science, working as an amateur with professionals.

There will be a series of talks throughout the day, on how amateur astronomers can work in tandem with national and international projects.  The ticket price includes refreshments and a buffet lunch.

Download the booking form here:  Ashford BAA Spring Meeting Ticket Booking Form

Fusion Energy Lecture by Robin Stafford-Allen (Culham)

Yesterday Robin Stafford-Allen from the Culham Centre For Fusion Engineering visited us at Cranbrook School and gave an excellent lecture.

He spoke about his work on fusion energy since the early 1980s as an engineer on the JET (Joint European Torus) project at Culham, and most recently, the ITER tokomak project at Cadarache in France.

He kindly provided a copy of his slide presentation: [Download] (warning large file)

Also, here are the two short videos captured within JET, included in his presentation (warning large files, wmv format):

1) A Burst [Download]

2) A Plasma Disruption [Download]

End in Fire: the Ultimate Fate of the Earth?

On POSTPONED TO Monday 18th March at 8pm, Dr Robert Smith of Sussex University is visiting to give us a lecture on the end of the world.

The lecture is titled “End in Fire: the ultimate fate of the Earth?“.

CADSAS members and under 16s – free.  Others £2 on the door please.

More details..

“This talk is a popular account of a paper I wrote with a colleague in 2008. It follows the evolution of the Sun to the red giant stage and beyond and explains what will happen to the Earth as a result. It also looks at the more immediate future, asking whether we need to worry about what the Sun will do in the very distant future.”

Nik Szymanek on Astrophotography – Lecture Monday 12th November

Lecture Photographing the Night Sky with Nik Szymanek on Mon 12 Nov

We are very pleased that well-known astrophotographer Nik Szymanek, will be giving us a talk on Monday 12th November at 8pm in the Cranbrook School Lecture Theatre.

Nik Szymanek

Nik Szymanek

The title of Nik’s talk is ‘Photographing the Night Sky’ and covers the use of modern equipment to photograph the deep sky.

The talk is suitable for all levels and features basic camera-on-tripod sky photography, film, DSLRs and more-complex methods of colour CCD imaging.

It features many pictures taken in exotic locations like La Palma and Hawaii and at the end is a short film showing what it’s like to visit professional observatories.

As usual, Members/Under 16s – free, others £2 on the door please.

The Electron – A Centenary, Lecture 15th October 8pm

next meeting 15Oct2012-TheElectronACentenary

Please join us in the Lecture Theatre on 15th October at 8pm for a lecture by Humphry Evatt.

His talk  is titled “The Electron, A Centenary”

Here is a taster..

“It is about 100 years since Robert Millikan measured the charge of the electron, e and proved (very controversially at the time) the unique and discrete nature of the electronic charge. His experimental technique was a work of genius and had many important ramifications in a historical and modern context in physics, chemistry, atomic theory and of course electronics. For example, it enabled Avogadro”s Number (used every day by chemists) to be measured for the first time, demonstrated and used the theory of Brownian motion, as theorised by Einstein.

Millikan was a fascinating man. He bicycled from Paris to Berlin to see the lecture when Roentgen demonstrated X rays, for example, and knew Einstein, Michelson and other famous people of the period well.”

Free for members and under 16s.  Others £2 on the door.

Equinox Skywatch – Friday 21st September at 7.45pm

Equinox Skywatch 21st September 2012 at 7.45pm

Join us at the Cranbrook Observatory on Friday 21st September at 7.45pm for a guide to the Autumn night sky, on the day of the equinox.

This will be outdoor observing (if clear), so bring appropriate clothing. If the weather is poor, we will move inside the Observatory for computer-based presentation.

DOWNLOAD: Equinox Skywatch meeting script. Do use the guide yourself.. Equinox Skywatch Guide