Friday Observing – 25th November

Last night at the Cadsas Observatory, we used the AY main spotter ‘scope to take some slighter wider field images under a somewhat misty sky!

Two nice images secured (see below – click each for a larger version):

1. The Pleiades or Seven Sisters open cluster. Another Messier object – M45 near Taurus.

The Pleiades or Seven Sisters open cluster. Another Messier object - M45 near Taurus.

The Pleiades or Seven Sisters open cluster. Another Messier object - M45 near Taurus.

2. The Perseus open Double Cluster, designated NGC 869 & NGC 884

The Perseus open Double Cluster, designated NGC 869 & NGC 884

The Perseus open Double Cluster, designated NGC 869 & NGC 884

Friday Observing – 21st October

Last night’s viewing was good with five participants.

The Alan Young telescope bagged another Messier object (M39 – NGC7092) an open cluster (unfortunately image is slightly out of focus).

Also imaged various regions in Cygnus. Two images below:-


Gienah (epsilon Cygni) - Alan Young telescope 21/10/2011


Albireo (beta Cygni) - Alan Young telescope 21/10/2011

Fireworks Meeting – Friday 4th November

Illustrated Fireworks Lecture 4/11/2011

The next lecture meeting is Friday 4th November at 8.30pm (note unusual day and time) in the Queen’s Hall.

Please note: £3 per person admission (free for accompanied under-16s, CADSAS members and Cranbrook School students)

It will be an illustrated lecture about The Science of Fireworks by David Turner.

And be warned.. the last time he gave this performance, there were plenty of bangs.



Friday 14th October Observing

Last night at the Observatory, we had our usual (if clear skies) Friday evening observing session.

Good viewing conditions enabled us to capture FOUR Messier objects with the AY ‘scope: 

  1. Andromeda Nebula M32
  2. M2 Globular cluster in Aquarius
  3. M15 Globular cluster in Pegasus
  4. M57 the fantastic Ring Nebula in Lyra

Also some nice views of the 17day old Moon.

Here are a selection of images taken: