Next Meeting – Monday 10th October 2011
Come along to the Lecture Theatre at 8pm for a talk by Konrad Malin-Smith …
Next Meeting – Monday 10th October 2011
Come along to the Lecture Theatre at 8pm for a talk by Konrad Malin-Smith …
We had a good gathering tonight of 20 or so people. And the skies were kind…
Even though patchy cloud came and went, everyone (hopefully) learned how to find and recognise the Summer Triangle, Milky Way, Arcturus, Pegasus, the Andromeda galaxy (cloud permitting), Casseopeia, the Plough, Polaris etc.
Here again is the script used for Rod’s talk this evening..
Download the Autumn Night Sky talk here..
Come to the Observatory at 8pm on Monday 26th September.
We will be presenting a guided tour of the Autumn Night Sky. Weather permitting, this will be outdoor observing, so bring appropriate clothing.
Here is the raw script of the talk, to download for reference… AutumnEquinoxTalk
M37 image taken with the Alan Young telescope on 31 Jan 2011.
This is an image of the Great Orion nebula (M42), taken with the Alan Young telescope on 14th Jan 2011.